AIMS Alumnus impacts the needy in Reno

Blaize Akanaab Abuntori from Ghana is contributing to the fight against COVID-19. An AIMS Cameroon, Mastercard Foundation Scholar alumnus, Blaize is currently a PhD student at the University of Nevada, who hands out healthy burritos to people without stable shelter in downtown Reno. Read more about his community work.

African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Partners with KCB Bank Rwanda

Kigali, September 9 2020 – The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) has partnered with KCB Bank Rwanda to provide a framework for the implementation of activities to accelerate the economic and digital transformation of Africa, by driving youth participation in the development of innovative digital financial solutions. The partnership will leverage initiatives of common

#NEF2018 Closing Ceremony

An exciting Closing Ceremony of the #NEF Global Gathering 2018, with remarks from Mr. Thierry Zomahoun, NEF Founder and Hon. Eugene Mutimura, Minister of Education, Republic of Rwanda. The evening ended with a light cocktail. Looking forward to the #NEF2020 in Nairobi.

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#NEF2018 Parallel Session: Changing the Way We Learn: Building Scientific Culture Early On

This session addressed critical points for the continent to build a pipeline of researchers and innovators. Panelists talked on how to build scientific culture early, looking at global best practices and as well providing recommendations on how to strengthen early and tertiary education. On panel we have Nathalie Munyampenda, Managing Director, Next Einstein Forum moderator

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African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – AIMS

As Africa’s growth soars, it is important that governments and the private sector urgently invest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and research. To announce a $25 million partnership that will empower young Africans to shape the future with homegrown scientific discoveries and innovations, AIMS and The MasterCard Foundation present a panel on

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AIMS Cameroon and Mastercard Foundation Run Online Innovation Challenge.

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation recently held a social innovation competition for current AIMS Mastercard scholars and alumni at AIMS Cameroon under its Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund (MCF – SIEF). The program which took place on 2-9 August 2020 is aimed at equipping members of the
